
Why have an Infinity Heart Healing session?

Relax🤍 Rebalance🤍 Renew🤍

Would you like to feel more relaxed?

Experience less pain and tension?

Lower anxiety levels?

Release those stuck emotions?

Raise your self-confidence?

Clear mental blocks?

Have more direction and purpose?

Increase spiritual connection?

Find that calm you’ve been craving?

Develop inner peace?

Help with any sleep issues?

Feel rebalanced and ready for life?

If you answered YES! to any, or many of the above, it’s time to experience the higher vibrational, and beautiful energy of Infinity Heart Healing, and see what it can do for you.

Whether you choose an in-person session or a distance healing, know that you will feel lighter, clearer, and more peaceful, ready to face life and move forward. 🤍

**Infinity Heart Healing cannot be promised to cure any medical conditions, or fix deep emotional issues.

Personal Healings

Before your healing, we’ll sit down and talk through the issues that have brought you here.. Then I’ll help you set an intention to bring in healing for your highest good.

Infinity Heart Healing is intuitive. I’m guided throughout the session and often receive direct messages to help you move forward.

A healing session is deeply relaxing, It clears energy blockages, aligns and balances your chakras, activates your light body, and opens your heart, filling it with high vibrational universal healing.

A detailed channelled message from Spirit is also available if desired as an extra service.

Session duration: 1.5 hours.

Personal Healing Session: $120

Concession: $90

With Channelled Message: $150

Concession: $120

Distance Healings

An alternative way to experience Infinity Heart Healing is over Zoom, or video/phone call.

If you aren’t able to access an in-person session due to distance or accessibility, this is a fabulous way to receive this beautiful healing, in the comfort of your own home.

Many clients actually prefer this option.

Following exactly the same process as in-person healing, I’ll help you relax, as this high vibrational energy flows throughout your body.

A detailed channelled message from Spirit is also available if desired as an extra service

Session duration: 1.25 hours.

Distance Healing Session: $100

Concession: $75

With Channelled Message: $130

Concession: $100

Take your life to the next level!

Become an Infinity Heart Healer.

  • Have you ever wanted to help others?

  • To increase your spiritual connection?

  • To give yourself the precious gift of self-healing?

  • To help your family and friends let go of stuck emotions?

  • To give your pets healing energy to help with pain management?

  • To change direction?

  • To have another way to earn an income?

If you answered YES! to any of the above questions,

it’s time to take the next step on your journey.

Join our family of Infinity Heart Healers and start making a difference.

2-Day Infinity Heart Healers Course

In this 2-day certificated course, you will immerse yourself fully in the beautiful energy that is Infinity Heart Healing. 🤍

You’ll spend two days learning, laughing, grounding, growing, and opening up to the wonderful world of energy healing, within a small group, in a relaxed and friendly setting.

You’ll receive a comprehensive manual, which we’ll work through, I’ll answer your questions, as they arise, and you’ll be learning as we go.

You’ll also receive three very special attunements that will pass on to you this beautiful modality, and allow you to begin your journey as an energy healer.

They’ll be plenty of time for practice with each other, and beautiful meditations to open our hearts and open to Spirit.

You’ll leave the course lighter, happier, more connected, a fully qualified healer, and now a member of the family of Infinity Heart Healers.

Fully catered, with a healthy lunch and snacks, and the famous Infinity Heart Chai.

Course Duration: 2 days.

Payment: $450. Concession $350

Upcoming 2- Day Courses:

May: 27-28

June: 24-25

July: 22-23

Aug 18-19

*Location: Mt Lonarch, Vic, Australia

The same 2-Day Infinity Heart Healers Course is now available online!

Online Infinity Heart Healers Course

Now accessible for everyone. This fully-certificated online course lets you study at your pace, in the comfort of your own home….

As you work through the comprehensive 13 Modules, you’ll discover beautiful meditations, designed to open your heart, reset and balance your chakras, and help you remove any blocks preventing you from opening to healing.

Plenty of practical demonstration videos, giving you the confidence to begin practicing your new skills as an Infinity Heart healer.

We’ll have two, in-depth Zoom calls, where we’ll discuss your progress, I’ll answer your questions, and attune you to this beautiful, high vibrational healing energy.

You’ll discover a whole new world of connection:

To your higher self, your soul, and to Spirit.

It will feel like coming home. 🤍

Course Duration: Your choice.

Payment: $375 Concession $300

And suddenly you know, it’s time to trust the magic of new beginnings.
— Meister Eckhart

Creating🤍 centred healers, with a soul mission!