Infinity Heart Healing is a wonderful new healing, downloaded especially for the world today.

It’s a higher-frequency healing modality, creating the space for the deep release of physical and emotional symptoms, and finding the balance we’re all seeking.

Let go of stress, find calm, and release old hurts. Help reduce anxiety and improve mindset.

Book in for an Infinity Heart Healing and experience the power of this new higher vibrational healing.

What is Infinity Heart Healing?

My spiritual journey started many years ago and has led me on some incredible adventures.

From exploring ancient Celtic stone circles in Ireland to drinking ayahuasca deep in the Amazon jungle, every experience has brought intense personal healing, and deeper self-understanding, preparing me for my soul calling as an energy worker.

Studying Reiki, then becoming a Pellowah healer and teacher, I kept feeling there was something more I was meant to do.

In 2020 Infinity Heart Healing was gifted in a channelling and this beautiful new modality was born.

My joy is helping others find the healing they seek, and creating more Infinity Heart Healers through certificated courses, both in person and online.

I look forward to meeting you

~ Meredith. 🤍